German coal industry buys itself law for the destruction of villages

German government and coal industry betray our future – while the world is borning and starving to death fiering coal is still Germanys priority.
Now it is official: RWE, Germans largest lignite coal mining company, commissioned and paid for the authoritative expert reports for the Coal Ascent Act. German courts rule in favour of RWE on the basis of the article it submitted itself.
Der Spiegel reports online and in its print edition:
§48 Energiepolitische und energiewirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit des Tagebaus Garzweiler II
(1) Die energiepolitische und energiewirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit und der vordringliche Bedarf zur Gewährleistung einer sicheren und zuverlässigen Energieversorgung wird für den Tagebau Garzweiler II in den Grenzen der Leitentscheidung der Landesregierung von Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Zukunft des Rheinischen Braunkohlereviers/Garzweiler II vom 5. Juli 2016 festgestellt.
Energy-policy and energy-economic necessity of the Garzweiler II opencast mine: The energy policy and energy industry necessity and the urgent need to ensure a secure and reliable energy supply are established for the Garzweiler II opencast mine within the limits of the North Rhine-Westphalia state government’s guiding decision on the future of the Rhenish lignite mining area/Garzweiler II of 5 July 2016.
Kind reminder
Grandparents for Future had already humorously pointed out in 2020 how the so-called „energy policy necessity of the Garzweiler opencast mine“ was smuggled into a federal law by Armin Laschet:
Our complaint to the EU and the NRW state parliament will now have to be reassessed.
By 2020, it was already clear that coal stonewalling was no longer economically viable. Jeffrey Sachs, neoliberal thought leader from the USA, made the following statement at the Earth Day conference in front of an audience of millions:
This is todays business model of RWE – they don’t care about renewabels!
You can find more on the coal phase-out law in our archive: