21st of June – EU-Climatetargets video walkthrough

Video tutorial – How to fill the EU form?
The video walkthrough ist for everybody who wants to learn more about the choices we prepared for you in the filling out guide. We hope to navigate you safely through the jungle of European forms.
Sunday, 21st of June, 12:00 CET – 07:00 Brasilia – 15:30 NCT – 20:00 Canberra
English and German (mixed session)
To prepare
go to the webpage https://parentsforfuture.de/de/EUKlimaziele
1.) Prepare your account – guide
2.) Prepare your demands as a PDF-file – DOCX – PDF – ODT

The EU is currently preparing the Green Deal and invites all of us to participate.
Let us use this opportunity to call for better climate policy in Europe. Be sure to take part in the consultation on the EU climate targets, as their results will be incorporated into climate laws!
Our filling out guide and 15 minutes of your time are sufficient for this.
Are you with us? You can find the link to the survey and the filling out guide at https://parentsforfuture.de/de/EUKlimaziele