
Das EU-Mercosur wird seit 20 Jahren hinter verschlossenen Türen verhandelt und soll jetzt möglichst intransparent und heimlich durch geschummelt werden.
Unfaire Methoden werden angewandt, um den Widerstand gegen das Handelsabkommen zu umgehen.
Die EU-Kommission ignoriert die großen Bedenken hinsichtlich des Handelspakts. Mächtige EU-Staaten, u.a Deutschland ignorieren dabei die Einwände von kleineren Staaten und wollen diese überstimmen.
Für wirtschaftliche Interessen der Industrie werden Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte geopfert. Wir sagen Nein zu diesem Skandal auf unser aller Kosten und fordern die Entscheidungsträger:innen auf, zu handeln.

Europe wants to become carbon neutral and at the same time supports Amazon rainforest destruction and human rights abuse? This doesn’t go together! Profits for a few or a future for all of us? #SayNoEUMercosur
#EUMercosur deal would enhance Bolsonaros policy and legitimize undermining democracy, human rights abuse and ecological destruction. A signal like this from the EU would be devastating!

Brazil’s government is killing indigenous people, 43 million hectars Amazon were burnt in 2020. The ICC runs a criminal case against him. Don’t trade with antidemocratic, inhuman presidents like Bolsonaro!
Biodiversity is dying in Amazon Fires, indigenous people are being murdered. #EUMercosur deal would increase death of millions of endangered species. Bolsonaro called NGOs and indigenous “a cancer he couldn’t kill yet“

#EUMercosur increases forest destruction, monocultures, pesticides, cars, human rights abuse and stands in direct opposition to the goals of the Green New Deal. Take a stand: profits for a few or a future for all of us? #SayNoEUMercosur
Brazil’s government is killing indigenous people, 43 million hectars Amazon were burnt in 2020. The ICC runs a criminal case against Bolsonaro. Don’t trade with antidemocratic, inhuman presidents like him!

Amazon fires are already leading to climate tipping points. Show that [your country name] is serious about climate protection and human rights and vote against this crooked deal! EU, stop the deal! #SayNoEUMercosur!
Bolsonaro lets indigenous peoples die of Covid-19 and auctions the Amazon to oil companies. Criminal proceedings are ongoing against Bolsonaro at the ICC because of his inhumane policy!