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2050: Der Tagebau Garzweiler ist seit 27 Jahren Geschichte. Wir blicken zurück und wundern uns, warum 2021 noch Dörfer zerstört werden sollten. Und erzählen aus unserer Zukunft.
Was: Beteiligungsverfahren nutzen, #AlleDörferBleiben-Narrativ setzen
Wie: kurze Textbausteine einstellen (geht auch anonym), Beiträge liken, Beiträge auf Twitter und Facebook teilen

Aufbruch, Zukunft, Natur, vernetzte Wälder, Bürgewälder, Wald, Feldhecken, Artenvielfalt, grüne Oase, Arbeitsplätze, Leuchtturm, Verbundenheit, Hoffnung, ÖPNV, Fahrrad, Wanderwege, Zero Waste, Leben im Grünen, Gemeinschaft, Neugier, blühende Landschaften, erneuerbare Energien, Selbstversorgung, Entsiegelung, naturverträgliche Landwirtschaft, Arnoldustrail, rotes Band, Feiern, Konzerte, Ausstellung, Kultur, Kirche Heilig Kreuz (Keyenberg), Herz Jesu Kirche (Kuckum), St. Albanus und Leonhardus (Manheim)
Lützerath, Keyenberg, Kuckum, Oberwestrich, Unterwestrich, Beverath, Manheim, Morschenich, Immerath
2050: The Garzweiler opencast mine has been history for 27 years. We look back and wonder why villages should still be destroyed in 2021. And we talk about our future.
The rhine district is Germanys flagship region for the race to zero. In the BiooekonomieREVIER, 15 billion Euros will be spend for future projects in the coming years. Do you have ideas and dreams about that? Do you want to be part of it?
What: This is a call for dreams and ideas – a headline and two to five sentences – more if you like; you don’t need an account
Language: the page is on German but don’t limit yourself
Enter a headline (Titel) and an opinion (Meinung).
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Hit the save-button (Speichern).
On the next page, you can either you post as a guest (Ohne Registrierung fortfahren) – the button on the right or create an account (Mit Registrierung fortfahren) or log in to your account (Login). In case you would like to be contacted or vote for any contribution, you need an account. In case you just want to drop a line, be BiooekonomieREVIERs guest.
Awakening, future, nature, networked forests, forest, field hedges, biodiversity, green oasis, jobs, flagship region, connectedness, hope, public transport, bicycle, hiking trails, zero waste, living in the green, community, curiosity, flourishing landscapes, renewable energies, self-sufficiency, unsealing, nature-compatible agriculture, Arnoldus Trail, red ribbon, celebrations, concerts, exhibition, culture
6 Topics
1. Was siehst du, wenn du aus dem Fenster schaust? Wie sieht die Landschaft aus?
What do you see when you look out of the window? What does the landscape look like?
Imagine it’s the year 2050, you live in the Rhineland and look out of the window – what would you like to see there?
What kind of landscape would you like to see?
How are the opencast pits used today?
2. Woher kommen deine Lebensmittel?
Where does your food come from?
Agriculture is one of the branches that will have changed greatly in the Rhenish mining area by the year 2050. The consequences of climate change were increasingly felt, and at the same time replacements for fossil raw materials were sought. Various biological raw materials were tested for possible uses – also with regard to nutrition.
How do you imagine the food of the future?
What grows in the fields?
Where does your food come from?
What do you have for lunch?
3. Welche neuen Berufe gibt es 2050 im Rheinischen Revier?
What new professions will there be in the Rhenish mining area in 2050?
The world of work will change, different and new fields of work will develop in the future.
What new professions will there be in the Rhenish mining area in 2050?
Which occupation do you pursue that might not even exist today?
4. Wie hat sich dein Wohnumfeld bis zum Jahr 2050 verändert?
How has your living environment changed by the year 2050?
Even in a rural region like the Rhenish Revier, land is limited and at the same time in hot demand. Different uses such as agriculture, industry, tourism, natural landscape and housing compete for the available space.
How will your living environment have changed by the year 2050?
How will the villages and towns in the Rhenish Revier develop?
What do you want to see change in the area in the next 30 years so that you still like living there?
5. Wie kann man im Jahr 2050 Reste verwerten?
How to recycle leftovers in 2050?
What normally ends up in the dustbin is to be recycled in the future.
What happens to your organic waste? What can you do with it in 2050?
How can products that you no longer need be reused in another form?
6. Wo verbringst du deine Freizeit?
Where do you spend your free time?
The Corona pandemic has shown us, among other things, that the good things of everyday life do not have to be far away. It can also be attractive to spend one’s leisure time in the immediate vicinity. In the future, new places will be created in the Rhineland.
Where will you spend your leisure time in 2050?
Where will you spend your time?
What kind of places invite you to linger and offer space for activities?